sure, Stephan.
I'm not entirely sure what the author is trying to say, but let's say I follow his approach of using composition so that the children detail can be contained inside the children.
If that's the case, the children could be a standalone independent one without any prop. And his composition approach will work out very nicely.
And if the children has a prop, most of time that will be the case, but if this prop doesn't have to be controlled by the direct parent. This is where I believe the composition will shine. ex.
{children} // <Children myProp={}>
The `myProp` is a custom prop which is added in the runtime, and it's not part of the `Parent` input.
What if you need to pass from parent to child, we need to replace the above `children` into
{react.cloneElement(children, { parentProp: }
Now this composition is perfect, it has his own prop from runtime, and parent prop from the design.
Ok, if we settle with the above approach. then you can see, the code won't be as clean as `children`. Another drawback we don't exactly sure how many prop is on the children's interface.
My personal opinion on this is that you shouldn't hide prop too much from the interface, if you start to do that, you know you'll have hidden dependency in the future. And that is a bit dangerous when you come to refractor.